You’ll discover Oahu’s most popular spots and landmarks on this 7-hour Circle Island Tour, from Diamond Head and the Kahala
Gold Coast to marine sanctuary Hanauma Bay, natural wonder Halona Blow Hole, lush rainforest Nuuanu Pali, world famous North
Shore surfing beaches, Haleiwa Town, Dole Pineapple Plantation, and historic Downtown Honolulu. Our driver guide’s expert live
narration and mint and hand towelette service enhance your tour, all in the comfort of an Gold MCI 4500 Series Motorcoach with
onboard restroom.
On this 4-hour tour you’ll visit East Oahu’s most popular and beautiful scenic points, from marine sanctuary Hanauma Bay, to
natural wonder Halona Blow Hole, lush rainforest Nuuanu Pali, historic Downtown Honolulu and Aloha Tower Marketplace. Our
original video, professional and friendly Royal Star driver, and mint and hand towelette service enhance your tour, all in the
comfort of an Gold MCI 4500 Series Motorcoach with onboard restroom.
A 5-hour "must see" deluxe tour visiting Oahu's most historic landmarks, including the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument with Arizona Memorial, Punchbowl National Cemetery and Downtown Honolulu. Enjoy a unique and total experience with our original in-depth video, professional and friendly Royal Star driver, and mint and hand towelette service, all in the comfort of a Royal Star vehicle.
An 8-hour "must see" deluxe tour visiting Oahu's most historic landmarks, including the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument with Arizona Memorial, USS Missouri, Punchbowl National Cemetery and Downtown Honolulu.
USS Arizona Memorial + USS Missouri + USS Bowfin + Aviation Museum + Short Honolulu City Tour
USS Arizona Memorial + USS Missouri Memorial + Complete Honolulu City Tour
USS Arizona Memorial + USS Missouri Memorial + Complete Honolulu City Tour