When you hire a limo to get to your destination, you expect your driver as well as the vehicle to be clean, neat and presentable. Limousine service companies should also make sure that they present their business to their clients by way of their limos and drivers in a way that clients will come back for more. Tipping the limo driver is one topic that is much debated, on how much to give the driver or if the client should tip at all.
Tipping 101
Tipping has become customary not just in hiring limo services but basically in any type of service provider, such as restaurants, salons, etc. Usually the amount of tip to give to the service provider – in this case the limo driver – is at the discretion of the client. The criteria may differ from client to client. The most basic criteria for tipping a limo driver is the following: physical appearance of the driver (if he looks presentable and neat), cleanness of the limousine or town car, getting the client to the destination on time, etc. Added services can also be provided by the driver upon the client’s request: carry luggage and other things, order coffee or refreshments and sometimes even a newspaper so you can read during the trip. All these can be requested to the driver, provided that an added compensation in the form of a tip be given for the extra services.
Of cause, the higher standards are expected from the classical limo sedans, like 1937 Cadillac Formal Limousine Series 75 or 1963 White Bentley S3 Sedan. Hence, the higher tip is expected.
To Tip or Not to Tip
If you are satisfied with the services that the limousine driver has provided you, and you have not been late to your destinations, it is but right to give him a tip to add to his earnings. Usually the tip to be given is between 10% and 15% of the total cost of the service. You can either give the tip to the driver prior or after the service is rendered. Giving the tip prior will ensure a much better service as the driver will become motivated by the tip you have given. But if you are more than satisfied with the service, you can definitely add to the tip and give more than 15% of the total cost of the service. This will enable the limo driver to add the tip to his earnings for the family. Many limo drivers rely on tips to augment their salaries to be able to provide for their families.
There are a couple of new vendors that we would like to point our this week for perfect reviews from our customers. These are Cordial Limousine and Town Car in Seattle. And Diamond Limousine in New York.
LimoScanner’s various vendors assure great limousine service each time, so if you ever hire one, you will be treated to exceptional service. If you are satisfied, you can make your designated driver happy by tipping him for his excellent service. When you are in need of a limousine service that will go beyond their promise of good service, you can count on LimoScanner to land you the best one in your area.
What makes us different from our competitors, like limos.com is that we will show you the actual pictures of the limousines, sedans and luxury SUVs, so you can make the more educated decision, that you will not later regret about.