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"Bonnie" 1955 Crown Supercoach – 56 Passenger

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3706 Priscilla St, North Charleston, SC 29405

Vehicle Description

Beautiful Bonnie. Things were going great with Sunny, people loved her and we had achieved our goal of creating something beautiful but a thought popped into our head..what if something happens to Sunny? What will we do?
Of course, we were already hungry for another build but the idea of not having a backup plan really hit home. It was as good an excuse as any so we began plans for our second girl. This time around we were a bit more prepared than before and we were able to complete Bonnie in a matter of 5 months. (Sunny took 2 years!) We were so excited that we literally drove both buses around just to see them side by side. You may have been one of the drivers honking at us on the road as we hung out of the car taking questionable photos with them in the background. Sorry about that.
Bonnie is our middle child. She is the child that hugs us when we are feeling stressed and can often be seen riding along behind Sunny with a group of other happy people hanging out the window taking questionable photos

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  • Charleston, SC
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"Bonnie" 1955 Crown Supercoach – 56 Passenger can be used for pick-up and drop-off services in the following airports in Charleston, SC:

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Amenities: Luxurious premium leather seating for up to 15 passengers DVD Player LCD TV screens Premium Bluetooth Sound System Color changing neon lighting Bar including ice chests and champagne bucket Rocks glasses and flutes with napkins Mirror ceiling Cabin Lighting Custom Wheels Service Possibilities: Orlando Event Transportation Safe travel for celebrations and events Orlando Magic Game transport Funeral services Night out to CityWalk or Disney Springs Orlando Airport MCO to Disney hotel Port Canaveral transportation Executive transport Tours and sightseeing Round trips to attractions and theme parks Orlando to Miami / Miami to Orlando transportation Orlando to Tampa / Tampa to Orlando transportation Safe ride from your hotel to the beach, Miami or beautiful South Florida. The SUV stretch limousine holds the largest amount up guests (up to 15) while keeping the price competitive. This give you, our customer, the best bang for your buck! Limo Orlando is proud to offer the Ford Excursion SUV stretch limousine, the widest made SUV ever introduced to the market. Sit back and enjoy the spacious ride.

Orlando, FL

Mercedes Sprinter Van

Capacity: 14 passengers transportation needs with less than 15 people

Mt Pleasant, SC


  • 14

Capacity: 14 Passengers Everyone can party - Don't have to drive * Tailgate (Special packages) * Concert * Birthday Party * Wine Tour * Beer Tour * Any Tour * Wedding * Bachelor or Bachelorette Party * 21 Party * Kid Event * Business Group Travel * Car Pool * Casino * Special Events * Downtown Fun Night * Girls (or Boys) Night Out

Indianapolis, IN

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